Songmess Podcast
By Richard Villegas
In this very special episode of Songmess we continue our Dominican series with a delicious interview with Carlos and Marlene from Estación Sub_Trópico. The duo of producers and multi-instrumentalists mixes electronic genres such as house and minimal with Afro-Dominican drums and percussion that fill each song with rich organic textures.
Our conversation covers their musical beginnings in rock and symphonic percussion, to a search that connects them with the music of their roots and that leads them to innovate within it. Today we highlight Afro-descendant traditions, pioneers of Dominican jazz and a future built with the heritage that we carry within.
El Nuevo Diario, Santo Domingo
Oct 21st, 2022.
The society of Dominican producers of indie and alternative music Mediumship Music, led by the artists Marlene Mercedes and Carlos Monción, will participate in the important Worldwide Music Expo, which will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, from October 19 to 23.
Sundance Institute
Nov 16th, 2022.
The film interweaves a positive outlook by emphasizing the rich colors of Santo Domingo and ultimately eschews the stereotypical portrayal of Caribbean Island life. There is also a spotlight on the different dance styles, food, and diverse musical influences from the Dominican Republic, including music by Mediumship and Boddhi Satva, whose track features Gnawa vocals from previously enslaved persons deriving from Morocco. The importance of including such local touches provides a positive introduction to the diverse musical talent in effect from such countries.
Caras de la Cultura (Faces of Culture)
By Ministry of Culture
It is well known that our land is fertile with innate talents, some with a great ability to turn their own roots into striking rhythmic creations. Today, in "Faces of Culture" we are talking with Marlene Mercedes and Carlos Monción, independent music producers, who take Dominican music and its manifestations as their basis to compose great pieces.
Mediumship Music from the Dominican Republic, represented by Marlene Mercedes and Carlos Monción Alfonso, said they aim to encourage other independent artists working on Afro-Dominican fusion music and to grow the industry for emerging artists.
EL NUEVO DIARIO, SANTO DOMINGO. – La sociedad de productores dominicanos de música Indie y alternativa Mediumship Music, que encabezan los artistas Marlene Mercedes y Carlos Monción, participarán en la importante Worldwide Music Expo, que tendrá lugar en Lisboa, Portugal, del 19 al 23 de este mes de octubre.
"La condena” es el título del nuevo sencillo interpretado por el cantautor Rando Camasta, como parte de una colaboración junto al guitarrista Isaac Hernández y la sociedad de productores musicales Mediumship Music.
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana. - La Delegación de la Unión Europea, junto a ProDominicana y Caribbean Export reconocen, durante la IV edición de Premios EPA, a 10 empresas exportadoras e importadoras que hacen uso de los beneficios que brinda el Acuerdo de Asociación Económica suscrito entre los países del CARIFORO y la Unión Europea (conocido como EPA, por sus siglas en inglés).